Where I find color palette inspiration

Five sources to jumpstart your design

Phylicia Flynn
3 min readDec 21, 2020

Pantone Connect

We all know Pantone, the leaders in color trends, so this was an obvious pick. But I recently found out about Pantone Connect. A website, along with a mobile app, to help you create color palettes by working with premade or creating your own. The benefit of using the app is the ability to take a photo and extract colors right from there! And if you are also a nerd about color theory, they have a cool option to “analyze” the palette.

Pantone Connect color palette analysis


Coolors is probably the most popular palette generator right now. Like Pantone Connect, you can make your own, explore premade palettes or upload a photo to extract colors. One useful function is the Color Contrast Checker. You enter your background color and text color and it will give you a grade on how accessible the combination is.

Coolors trending palettes


This site is similar to Pinterest except there is an emphasis on color! When you click on a photo you like on Designspiration, it will show you a coordinating color palette. From there you can either…



Phylicia Flynn

Interior Designer transformed into UX/Product Designer. NJ transplant living in the Midwest. Has an affinity for dogs, spicy food and coffee shops. phylicia.co